Wednesday 6 February 2013

Dishwashers and conversation

When we renovated our kitchen to create more elbow room, we allowed space and wiring for a dishwasher (for resale value) but asked that a removable cupboard be inserted instead.

The boys have always dried the dinner dishes, while hubby washes....many great conversations take place during dishes duty. I smile thinking back to the time when one of the boys as a lad of 5 or so, while drying dishes, turned to his Dad and asked, "Daddy, do people get babies like dogs get puppies?" And so arose an opportunity for another father to son talk.

The boys are older now but discussions still take place by the kitchen sink and, with conversation perhaps somewhat diminished now-a-days due to electronic gadgets, we'll keep the dishwasher out of the house. Even though our sons have threatened to buy a dishwasher, deep down I know they appreciate the after dinner talks and some of the wisdom imparted to them by their 'ole Pa' (their words) :-)


  1. Hi Cecile,
    It's my first visit to your blog and I'm thankful that you started. I look forward to learning from you on living simply and within a budget - two topics close to my heart too.
    I like what you wrote "Live simply so others may simply live" - so true and especially so for Christians!!!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog thru Mrs. Bob, and am looking forward to more posts! Looking at my house, I think I need to declutter, not reorganize ...
