Friday 10 January 2014

Locked out

Wow, it sure is handy having a son studying Autobody Collision and Repair. Our van's driver door was jammed shut since Christmas break and, without the proper tools, we had to live with the problem for a bit.  Couldn't get in or out through that door, so I've been getting some strange looks while jumping in and out through the slider door on the other side.

This morning K took the van to school and his teacher and students figured out what the problem was. Apparently this was a 'first' for the teacher too.  It's wonderful when ones vehicle can be used as a teaching tool and getting fixed in the process without costing anything :-) I may have to bake some muffins for the UFV crew that solved the problem!

1 comment:

  1. Muffins are indeed in order...or cookies...
