Monday 1 July 2013

Spinach and Swiss Chard

I really need to take a photo of our veggie garden at my parent's abode. We've grown a garden there for some 15 years now - the soil is amazing and do the veggies ever grow!  This morning, I was enjoying that garden at 5:30, picking spinach and swiss chard, and running the water for a good while lest the veggies start wilting due to the scorching sunshine we've been so blessed to have.

As soon as I returned home, the spinach and swiss chard were given a good washing, processed and packaged for the freezer for future meals. Here is a recipe that we all love:

MASHED POTATO CASSEROLE (from More-with-Less Cookbook)

Cook and mash 3-4 large potatoes

Add and mix through potatoes:
1/2 c. sour cream or yogurt
1 tsp salt
dash pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 c. margarine or butter

Add just enough milk to bring to  proper consistency and beat until fluffy. (I also beat an egg and mix with the milk)

Then add:
1/8 t. dried dill(or maybe parsley or both....)
2 tsp. chopped chives (I use green onion)
1 c. cooked spinach, well drained and chopped. I'm sure swiss chard would work well too.

Place in greased casserole and top with a bit of grated cheddar cheese.
Bake 350 degrees F. for about 20-30 minutes.

Next time a garden photo, complete with a 'keep-out-the-rabbits' fence my Dad engineered...aren't Dads wonderful? He doesn't like gardening but he likes watching things grow :-) Now if I can only convince him that weeding is a blast!

1 comment:

  1. I love gardening but have a terrible black thumb. We have a deal. Hubby grows it, I cook it.
