Saturday, 22 November 2014

Scanners Code of Practice = FREE

I'm posting this tidbit of information because it appears that not everyone knows about the Scanners Code of Practice. Most grocery stores will refund you the money on an item if it scans through incorrectly.

Keep an eye on the shelf stickers when you are purchasing your groceries. Then check your receipt BEFORE leaving the store. If an item has not scanned in correctly, and if that particular store adheres to the Scanners Code of Practice, you will get the item for free. But you have to mention it yourself. There could be a limit as to how much they will refund.

I have saved a considerable amount of money over the years just by keeping an eye on the prices and checking my receipt before leaving the store. I generally shop at Super Store. Yesterday I purchased a very large container of Purex laundry detergent. There was a large display of them in a center aisle - price was $9.97. I put one in my cart but it rang through the check out as over $16!! I caught this before leaving the store and took the receipt to customer service. They refunded me the $16 that I paid and gave me the detergent for free. If I didn't mention "Scanners Code of Practice" I would have only been refunded the difference.