Wednesday, 13 November 2013

And yet another MRI

Well, I knew it was coming....a phone call to book me for another follow up MRI to check the surgical area where a brain tumor was removed exactly twelve years ago this month. My heart skipped a beat when the person on the end of the line indicated she was from VGH's MRI department. It is always a little nerve wrecking, especially waiting for results after the scan.  And then I was told there was a long wait - appointment October I can relax for a bit :-)

These tumors have a nasty habit of recurring and I probably wouldn't have any symptoms to know if it is growing again until it would be life threatening, as this type of tumor will eventually displace the brain stem if it grows too large.  That is why the neurology folks keep checking. If my hearing and balance nerves on the left side were intact I would have warning signs. As it is, my hearing is gone on the one side and my balance as well, although my brain has retrained so I receive balance only from the right side now.

It is amazing really...the first few months after surgery I felt like one of those little kids on a playground merry-go-round. Dizzy would be an understatement and focusing was out of the question. After two weeks in hospital, I graduated to my parent's home for another six weeks while I learned to stay on my feet and walk a few stairs before finally heading home. And so I slowly continued to relearn balance. I can actually walk a pretty straight line now....just don't ask me to walk in the dark and it's all good.

For months I was part of an internet support group - all people who knew the agonizing slow recovery, the headaches, the tiredness, the frustration and just the fact that people made me realize that I had to adjust to a 'new' normal. The 'normal' I previously knew was gone but that was ok.  What a blessing from God that the internet can serve such an encouraging purpose.

And so I just had to write how incredibly thankful I am for each new day. We carry on in God's strength. I have learned so much from this experience, especially the incredible generosity and support of my family and church family. God is good!